
Kincade Fire Report

Kincade Fire Report

This fall has seen Sonoma County’s biggest wildfire to date. The Kincade fire in Sonoma County, California, is now contained after burning 77,758 acres of land. The fire started on the morning of Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019.

Herbicides and Wildfires

Can Herbicides Contribute to Wildfires?

With the increasing wildfire levels of the last few years, it is becoming more and more important to understand the various factors that can contribute to forest fires and learn what the province can do to decrease the risk. Recently, the use of herbicides by BC’s Ministry of Forests has come into question as it may contribute to the province’s wildfire problem.

Benefits Of Prescribed Wildfire

The Benefits of Prescribed Wildfire

Over the years prescribed fires have been utilized less frequently, even with the growing wildfire issues throughout the province. It is the general consensus though, that fighting fire with fire is the most strategic method available to the province for reducing the growing risk of wildfires.