Consulting Services Available from SPIEDR
The knowledgeable team at SPIEDR is proud to offer their consulting services for those interested in or involved with wildland firefighting. No matter the issue at hand, SPIEDR will be able to provide valuable insight and solutions for your organization. SPIEDR offers consulting services in the following areas:
- Firesmart
- Fuel Management
- Community Protection Systems
- Land Development
- Film Production
FireSmart is important for those individuals, groups, organizations, and communities, living with and managing wildfire on our landscape. SPIEDR is proud to be FireSmart/FIREWISE accredited and to offer our consulting services.
SPIEDR assesses the fire hazard and provides immediate turn key solutions. We mitigate the risk and support the co-existence of communities and future developments within the Wildland Urban Interface, the area where development and forests meet. We partner with all land interests to determine an appropriate wildfire reduction strategy.
Wildfire is a natural, beneficial process in many ecosystems. It is a key factor in the maintenance of a healthy forest and can contribute to overall biodiversity. The reduction in fuel loads due to naturally occurring wildfires can also reduce the intensity of future wildfires. Sprinkler usage plays a valuable role in FireSmart by wetting fuels rather than permanently removing them.
We also specialize in servicing: Government, Oil and Gas Industry and Land Developers and communities/homeowners residing on lakeshore developments.
We provide:
- Assessment
- Report
- Implementation
Fuel Management
Fuel management aims to reduce potential forest fire intensity. It also reduces the risk of wildfire, the cost of wildfire suppression, and improves the resilience of forests subjected to fires. SPIEDR provides consulting services regarding a variety of fuel management practices and techniques, including:
- Hazard Assessment
- Creating Fire Guards
- Fuel Reduction / Removal
- Chipping / Pile Burning
- Returning Bio-mass to the Forest Floor for Health and Regeneration
- Danger Tree Falling
- Spacing / Thinning / Crown Reduction
- Mountain Pine Beetle Assessment & Removal
Contact the experienced crew at SPIEDR for more information regarding fuel management consulting services!
Community Fire Protection Systems
Our community fire protection consulting services specializes in lakeshore and remote communities where there is no established fire protection or the fire department response time is greater than 15 minutes. Our team has over 18 years’ experience consulting with communities living in the Wildland Urban Interface zone regarding fire hazards.
We will work with you to determine your specific fire hazards and create attainable objectives and goals. Then we will provide cost effective fire equipment to accomplish those goals.
We provide Provision & Development of:
Fire Response Equipment Audits
Custom Designed Community Fire Protection Packages
Infrastructure Audits & Deficiency Reports
FireSmart community Presentations
Creation of defendable spaces & FireSmart homes
Hydrant Testing Services
Sprinkler Systems – Exterior Permanent Mount for Wildfire
Determine or Create Sufficient Water Resources
Create Fire Plans & Operating Procedures
Assistance with Creating a Community & Protective Services Committee (CPSC)
Creation of By-laws Governing Fire Protection for the Community
We are proud to lend our years of experience and extensive knowledge base to communities who want to protect themselves from fire hazards.
Land Development
SPIEDR is your partner in planning.
At SPIEDR we believe when you create a community you have the responsibility to incorporate FireSmart principles and guidelines to ensure community sustainability and safety.
We support land developers to create Fire Safe Communities where either development is located outside of jurisdictional fire protection areas or is too far from existing fire department response times (15 minutes or greater).
We support architects and home builders with the latest in fire-resistant construction materials and construction design to mitigate wildland fire hazards.
We support landscapists and arborists with fire resistant foliage and layout and create fire guards that blend into the contours of the natural landscape
Recent severe fire seasons in all parts of Canada have illustrated that the vulnerability of people, property, and vital forests has reached an unprecedented level, and this trend is projected to grow. The reasons for the increased vulnerability include more frequent and intense fires resulting from:
- Environmental Change
- Insect Infestations
- Suppression Efforts
- Resistance to Prescribed Fire as a Fire Managment Tool
- Communities Built in or near Flammable Forests
- Fire Knowledge and Experience Gone / Retiring Personnel
- Logging Practices of Old
As part of the Provision of Real Estate Land Development, SPIEDR is qualified to:
- Create Community Fire Protection Plans
- Create Community Fire Guards
- Planning & Designing For Wildfires
- Construction Design – FireSmart
- Infrastructure Audits & Deficiency Reports
- Hydrant Testing Services
- FireSmart Programs
- Fuel Management & Treatment
- Creation of Defensible Spaces
- Bio Mass Harvesting / Reduction
- Dead & Diseased Tree Falling
- Spatial Thinning
Film Production
SPIEDR also offers many avenues of support services towards film company productions while operating in Western Canada as follows:
1) Fire Protection Services (Suppression, Stand by & Ignition)
2) Fire Equipment Rentals – Fire Engines, Specialty Vehicles, Firefighting Equipment
3) Support Consultant for Stunt Co-ordinator / Special Effects
4) Location Fire Consulting
5) Foam Systems for Snow Making
6) 275 each Sprinklers for Portable Rainmaking
7) First Nation Member Film Extras / Actors = 130 persons
8) Fire Crew Member Film Extras / Actors with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) = 170 persons
If you your film production needs Fire services support in Western Canada, contact SPIEDR for professional assistance.