Fire Service Trailers, Fire Suppression Trailers | SPIEDR


SPIEDR offers 3 types of Fire Service Trailers

SPIEDR sprinkler trailers are custom sprinkler trailer units that provide protection from wildfire and can be towed anywhere by a full-sized pickup truck! SPIEDR offers 3 types of trailers designed and equipped for different capacities:

Type 2 protects +/- 25 homes

Sprinkler Trailer Type 2

Type 3 protects +/- 15 homes

Sprinkler Trailer Type 3

A Fire Service Trailer means all of your equipment is organized and ready to go!

SPIEDR sprinkler trailers feature a warehouse design that allows the crew members to inventory all equipment. A crew member can create a “shopping list” of the equipment required for protection of a specific structure and have easy access to what is required.  This information is found on a completed Structure site prescription form or Assessment form. The crew members can then back up their pick-up trucks and fill their order accordingly.

Crew members can even walk the aisles of the trailer and have a full visual perspective of all the equipment contained within. All containers and bins are open topped and accessible as well from the front with drop out doors. The aisle width is intentionally oversized to allow equipment to be picked without hitting opposite side shelving.  This also permits crew members to walk around or within space without bumping into each other.

An important feature to a SPIEDR trailer is that the structure protection equipment, pumps, and fire fighting sprinklers can be broken up and deployed to different identified interface priority areas at the same time. That means you can use what you need when and where you need it to maximize your fire suppression efforts!

Learn more about Fire Service Trailers from SPIEDR:

  • It can be towed by any full size pickup truck
  • The crew is safely working away from the driver side of trailer because of the singular rear access point.
  • It functions as an Incident Command or supervisor workstation and crew debrief
  • It shelters the crew from environment – sun or rain!
  • It shelters equipment from environment (dust, smoke, UV).
  • Includes cabinets for radios, triage forms, maps, PPE
  • The walk out ramp is at a low angle for crews carrying awkward and unbalanced pumps and equipment
  • There’s no roll up doors: Roll up doors are designed for clean fire hall environment and built to withstand the heavy dust and smoke of a wildland fireline.
  • No shelving, hinges or rollers are exposed to environment
  • Eliminates having to walk around trailer multiple times such as with roll up doors to pick equipment
  • Solid powder coated tubular steel for weight requirements and durability on rough road
  • Equipment is symmetrical to permit crew members to see and pick order consecutively
  • Height and width is designed to easily remove equipment (no skinned knuckles)
  • Designed ergonomically to accommodate sprinkler boxes, fuel cans, spare tire, bladder and pumps
  • Heavier items at floor height placed for trailer balance
  • Custom designed hose shelf to accommodate 1-1/2″ & 2-1/2″ hose
  • Built with room to grow in future for equipment additions
  • Suction hose tubes secured underneath driver side for space maximization
  • Small accessory items positioned at eye level
  • Sprinkler and pump performance specification placards mounted for crew member referral on water delivery rates
  • Fuel spill tray 3″ incorporated outside on trailer nose
  • Visual inventory compact and ergonomic
  • Solid heavy duy construction carries weight of sprinklers combined
  • Painted black on all sides and faces. A truck bed rubberized spray liner is then applied on all sides for placing sprinklers away wet or dirty
  • Bore pitch holes to prevent sprinklers from falling out during travel on uneven road
  • Located at back to minimize carrying sharp spikes through trailer and past crew members
  • Accommodates structure openings poly roll underneath
  • Standardized design used for previous Agencies who have purchased SPIEDR trailers
SPIEDR Sprinkler Trailer Type 2

SPIEDR sprinkler trailers are built with quality materials inside and out.  The trailers are covered in a quality 3M Control-Tac printed wrap vinyl on the driver and curb side trailer. It’s a bright visual perspective for community events and FireSmart or FireWise programs. The state or Provincial border outline and spacing is designed to accommodate logos from different municipalities, fire services, and emergency programs including FireSmart / FireWise. Our standardized design as shown below used for previous agencies who have purchased SPIEDR trailers.

We have your safety in mind!

Moreover, our trailers have been designed with the safety of crew members in mind. We’ve designed our trailers to only load and unload equipment from the rear via an anti-slip ramp door. This minimizes the hazard of a crew member standing on the roadside. The driver’s side of a Structure Protection Sprinkler Trailer while staged on the road is not a safe place to be period. If a crew member stands on the roadside, then they are placed in an environment which jeopardizes their safety! Our rear loading doors minimizes the danger to your crew members.

Protect your community from wildfire!

SPIEDR Fire Service Trailers offer unique advantages for your community.  One SPIEDR unit can protect up to 50 homes…one fire engine only protects one home at a time!